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Charles Atlas: Painting by Numbers
Charles Atlas: Painting by Numbers - Contemporary Art Museum St. Louis, MO - Highlights - Luhring Augustine

Charles Atlas's Painting by Numbers is opening at the Contemporary Art Museum St. Louis on September 6, 2024, and will remain on view through February 9, 2025. 

Painting by Numbers is the artist’s inventive riff on the popular hobbyist painting kits. In Atlas’s dynamic animation, flows of numbers suggest galaxies of connections that exceed the canvas, time, and space. Originally created in 2011 as a three-channel synchronized video projection, Painting by Numbers has been reimagined for its presentation on CAM’s façade as a part of the museum’s ongoing Street Views series. Organized for the Contemporary Art Museum St. Louis by Dean Daderko, Ferring Foundation Chief Curator, Painting by Numbers will be projected daily at CAM, from dusk to midnight.

To learn more about the installation, please visit the CAM website.


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