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Tunga: "Me, You and The Moon"
Tunga, Eu, você e a lua (Me, you and the moon), 2014, Iron, steel, petrified wood, bronze, plaster, ceramics, glass, and quartz crystal

Tunga, Eu, você e a lua (Me, you and the moon), 2014, Iron, steel, petrified wood, bronze, plaster, ceramics, glass, and quartz crystal

Tunga's solo exhibition, Me, You and The Moon, is on view at Museum of Modern Art of São Paulo (MAM) in São Paulo, Brazil, through January 28, 2024. Eu, Você e a Lua [Me, You and the Moon] is a work of art by Tunga which has never been exhibited in Brazil, and was one of the last major installations completed by the artist.

Even with a profusion of objects and materials, in Eu, Você e a Lua, each part of it is essentially coherent, forming a whole installation. Some elements reappear in the artist’s poetic vocabulary, such as bottles in crystal, plaster or resin, either hollow or solid. Mirrors, crystals, stones, plates suspended in arcs and rods, as well as chains or leather straps in tripods, appear in other works by Tunga. In juxtaposition with a trunk which has been petrified for millions of years, the use of these materials evokes the organic and the inorganic or the natural and the artificial.

To learn more about the exhibition, please visit the MAM website.

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