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Yasumasa Morimura: My Self-Portraits as a Theater of Labyrinths
From Yasumasa Morimura's "My Labyrinth Theater" series, 1984. © Yasumasa Morimura

From Yasumasa Morimura's "My Labyrinth Theater" series, 1984. © Yasumasa Morimura

As part of Kyoto City KYOCERA Museum of Art’s first anniversary exhibition, the museum is pleased to present a solo exhibition by Yasumasa Morimura.

The exhibition comprises four sections: M’s Photo Corridor, Theater of Voices, Square for Dreams and Memories and Hidden Costume Closet. This will be Morimura’s first large-scale solo exhibition in Kyoto since 1998. Morimura’s self-portraits share similarities with “selfies” that have been popularized by the evolution of smartphones and the spread of social media. In his images, one can discern Morimura’s penetrating gaze at the self, and an overwhelming affirmation of the multiple selves that a person can assume in their lives.

For more information about the exhibition, please visit the KYOCERA Museum's website.

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